Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Back Home....Only in Alaska!

I got home from a wonderful visit in Ark with my kinfolk!  The weather was nice part of the time and precious Marlene came from Florida for part of the visit.  There was lots of good food and laughter!

My blog is really about coming home to Alaska.  There are two things I consider Only in Alaska (OIA).
1) While I waited for my bags to come from the 'magical shoot', two young men were greeting each other and talking about the bags and how easy it is to get one mixed up.  I started to join there conversation when one guy said to the other, "I had a MF-in** time getting out of Colorado."  I sort of stepped back as they continued their conversation with ever expletive I've ever heard.  Now I am usually not around too much cussin' and I don't pay much attention but this was rather loud and I was thinking maybe I'd move to another spot when..... A man, about 6'5", probably around 60 and in good physical shape, sharply and not very quietly said, "Hey, you young men watch your language!  What are you thinking there are all kinds of decent people around here!"  (as all this is happening my bag arrived)  The young guys did not miss a beat and apoligized saying they would indeed shape up.  They appeared very sincere and I was proud of them for not talking back to the guy.  I nodded thank you and left......  You may know that we have many different military bases here in Alaska.  How much do you want to bet me the older guy was ex-military and the young men in one branch of the service or another.  At any rate, I can not remember ever hearing someone stand up for decency in a crowded airport before.  HooRa!
2) My second OIA, happened right after getting home.  We looked across the bay and it looked like someone was sending us smoke signals.  No, it was just the volcano spouting off some steam!  (See picture above)


Lisa said...

Great Story Bethie. Thanks for sharing. So, anything new with Mt. Redoubt??? Hi to Dale and Baby.

Anonymous said...

I love the picture and story.. keep them coming! : )