Monday, December 29, 2008

I know, I know I haven't kept this up todate but, I thought I would add a note today.  I checked the weather in Anchorage for today, Dec. 29.  It said there is a high of -5 and a low of -9! However, we are in South Carolina!  We arrived on the 24th and have been enjoying the warmth ever since.  Our sweet neighbors reported they "mowed" our driveway for us.  Dale, Baby and I have 3 more days with the gang before returning to the frozen northwest.  

Speaking of the frozen northwest.... The other day there was a fire in a home in North Pole, Alaska.  The owner was trapped in the home.  He went out onto a second story balcony where a helicopter picked him up.  The man was immediately taken to the hospital, where he was treated for....FROSTBITE.  Totally true, totally Alaska!