Saturday, October 4, 2008

Early Morning Visitor.

Only in Alaska........ Dale took our 5 pd yorkie, Baby, out to potty this morning.  Baby let the world know she is not as small as we all think.  This became apparent when she took off after a huge MOOSE.  The moose was between our house and the neighbors munching on some plants.  Dale rounded the corner chasing Baby, who was chasing the moose.  His yell made Baby stop running but she continued to bark (everyone who knows Baby, knows she rarely barks).  The moose went into a weedy area and stopped.  He looked back as if to say, "what am I running from?".  Dale grabbed Baby and quickly retreated to the front door, giving Baby a lecture the whole way.  Baby seemed to ignore his warning barked some more and then ate a huge breakfast.  Dale needed NO coffee this morning!


Lisa said...

I can't believe that Baby!! I am picturing that giant moose running away with tiny Baby behind him barking! What a sight!
So happy you have a blog. Love it! Keep the great stories and beautiful pictures coming. Alaska is so beautiful and you always have interesting things happening to share with us. Not to mention the amazing visitors that pop in from time to time!!!

Anonymous said...

I love it! She's such a DIVA!

Barbara said...

Was sent over by Lisa!! Certainly a very interesting first post.

Loved the view of the mountains you have. I guess we are all in for a treat with the upcoming Alaskan scenery and you are going to have a fat dog!